Banda de la Corporació Musical de la Pobla de Vallbona

Banda de la Corporació Musical de la Pobla de Vallbona


The Corporació Musical of La Pobla de Vallbona came into being in 1860 thanks to Juan Lázaro y Blasco, a teacher, the secretary of the town council and the Santiago Apóstol Church organist.

A great music-lover, he came up with the idea of creating a local band. With this purpose, he taught sol-fa to young people in the town, to whom he passed on his enthusiasm for music. Four years later, on 2 February 1864, the "Corporació Musical de la Pobla de Vallbona" band was officially founded.

Over its long history, the band have won various prizes, including:
  • Llíria Band Contest 1891: first prize
  • Valencia Wind Band Contest 1916: first prize in Division Two
  • Valencia Wind Band Contest 1917: first prize in Division Two
  • Benaguasil Regional Band Contest 1976: first prize
  • Valencia Wind Band Contest 1987: first prize in Division Three and honorable mention
  • "City of Leganés" Contest 1988: first prize
  • 3rd "Castell de Benisanó" Wind Band Contest: second prize and first prize in the procession.
They have taken part in numerous festivals: Monserrat in 1974, Llíria in 1979, Valencia City Council in 1981, Benisanó in 1985, Paterna in 1988, Nules in 1991, Tobarra in 2001, Benaguasil 2003, and Albal 2012.

They also perform in all the public celebrations in La Pobla de Vallbona which involve music such as parades, processions and local religious festivities. They also play in the concerts sponsored by La Pobla de Vallbona Town Council to celebrate various special occasions: San Sebastián, Women's Day, 9 October and Virgen del Rosario, Santa Cecilia and the Christmas concert.

Today the Corporació Musical is made up of the following groups:
  • The Choir
  • The Music School, which has 150 members
  • The Instrumental Ensemble
  • The Youth Band
  • The Wind Band, conducted by Francisco Javier Castellano Gómez. Its current president is Francisco Javier González García.


Francisco Javier Castellano Gómez

Francisco Javier Castellano Gomez was born in Benisanó, where he started studying the bass saxhorn and slide trombone in the Llíria Unió Musical as a pupil of Rafael Tortajada Durá.

He continued his studies in the "Joaquín Rodrigo" Superior Conservatory in Valencia where he was taught by Joaquín Vidal, Antonio Soriano and José Miguel Miñana, and received qualifications in Advanced Saxhorn Teaching, Advanced Slide Trombone teaching and the end of course prize for saxhorn.

He has attended various saxhorn and trombone courses with renowned instrumentalists such as Vicente Costa, Steven Mead, Jacques Mauger, Ricardo Casero and José Antonio Rubio.

Since October 1996 he has held the permanent post of Saxhorn Soloist Assistance Teacher for the Valencia Municipal Band, with which he has been collaborating since February 1992.

He holds the Cultural Merit Medal of the City of Valencia, awarded by Valencia City Council. He has also been given the 2003 Academia Tercer Milenio prize, awarded by the Academia Mundial de Ciencias, Tecnología, Educación y Humanidades.

As an instrumentalist, he is a member of the Consolat de Mar Saxhorn Quartet and regularly collaborates with brass ensembles such as Grupo de Metales Vents de Valencia and other Spanish orchestras and bands, giving concerts and recitals as a saxhorn soloist, including one at the Palau de la Música in Valencia as part of the 24th Composers' Summit, organized by COSICOVA, in 2012.

He has attended numerous courses in orchestra and band conducting, taught by professionals such as Enrique García Asensio, Pablo Sanchez Torrella and Rafael Sanz Espert.

He has directed the Cor Social de la Unió Musical of Llíria, the wind band of Sociedad Musical "La Popular" of Pedralba, the wind band of the Sociedad Musical "La Familiar" of Benisanó and since 2011 he has been the director of the wind band of the Corporació Musical of Pobla de Vallbona.
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